Sunday 15 September 2013

No More chewy Meat

Why no More Chewy Meat

Pork Chops
We all look for the special offers when shopping. It happened to me just before Christmas Geoff and I were doing our usual shop at 'Leclerc' and saw some lovely Pork Chops on offer at 6€ 50 for a tray of six. What a good bargain like most we are all economising wherever we can so I picked them up, and thought we have two for tonight's dinner and freeze the rest.
Continued shopping and felt quite pleased at that offer.
Cooked them the usual way for us and roasted them, roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts the works. They were to be truthful a complete disaster, chewy and ruined the whole meal, "oh well" we said "that was why they were on offer".
After a few mumbles during the evening we carried on as normal. What do I do I still have four more in the freezer.
It was a few weeks later,  I just had to use these darn chops up, then it hit me we braise meat so why not chops? out came my trusted 'Slow Cooker' Do you know what they were Perfect.
We had  the last two today for lunch and this is the reason I am sharing this with you, I wish I had thought about it earlier. What I did is so simple as well., as there is only two of us my ingredients will relate to this.
2 Pork Chops
1 onion chopped
1/2 can button mushrooms chopped (or fresh)*
Sage & Dill (Optional)
Stock cube*
Oil for frying
First I put a little water in the Slow Cooker and switch on to high, this is just to warm it through whilst I am doing the chops, 
I add the chopped mushrooms at the same time, as these are already cooked it is not a problem.
I use a solid base frying pan, with a little oil put over a low heat with a 1/2 tsp of Sage & the same with Dill.
    When the pan is hot enough just lightly brown the two chops on either side to seal them. Place them both in the Slow Cooker on top of the mushrooms and replace lid
Then using the same pan as it still has the juices from the meat, I lightly fry the onions to soften and again place them on top of the chops.
Then I add the water and stock cube to the pan and bring to the boil, once boiled I add this to the Slow Cooker, place the lid on and leave.
As you know you can leave your Slow Cooker on all day, I started these about 11am and then had dinner for 6.30pm,3//4 of the way through turn the chops over and at this point you can thicken your gravy, with either bisto or cornflour.  I use bisto but if you do use cornflour make sure you mix it with cold water first to a paste then add slowly.
Whilst this is doing I prepare my vegetables. Today it is White Cabbage and Green Beans and some stuffing balls which I male a batch in advance and freeze.T
his is where I do a bit of cheating, hey it is Sunday and I don't wan't to be in the kitchen more than I can help.
I cook my cabbage, my green beans in advance and put in a Microwavable dish, so when the roast potatoes and the chops are ready, all I have to do is pop them in the microwave to heat up and serve.
 All we have to do is eat it.
**If I use fresh mushrooms I usually half & quarter and fry gently just to soften.
**The stock cube is usually chicken for white meat but that is my choice.
* *I always chop my white cabbage with a little butter and pepper, but again it's a personal choice.
**You may have some gravy left over? I always make a casserole the next day to use it up or freeze it.   The only thing with gravy if does not freeze well once it has been thickened, it goes watery.
Happy eating.Kiss   

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