Blue Cheese Dressing

Blue Cheese Dressing
              Blue Cheese Dressing A taste of it's own
Blue cheese brings a lovely flavor to an otherwise ordinary dish. There are so many to choose from, so use the one you like the most.
4oz, 113g blue cheese***
2tbs, 30ml mayonnaise
1/4 pint, 142ml milk
2tbs minced onions (dried)
2tsp poppy seeds
cayenne pepper to taste and decorate
Mash the cheese in a bowl.
Stir in the mayonnaise and gradually blend in the milk to form a smooth liquid.
Add minced onion, poppy seeds and cayenne pepper to taste.***
Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.  Add a little more milk if necessary before serving, to obtain desired texture.
Garnish with a sprinkling of cayenne pepper.
Blue Cheese Dressing
Blue cheese, Stilton, Danish
Add the cayenne a little at a time as very hot and can spoil all your work*

Happy cookingKiss Glo.

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